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Chapter 4 Writing Assignment

Chapter 4 Writing Assignment

Q Instructions: Please write a 2-3 page essay answering all parts of the following question. Feel free to use material and ideas from throughout Chapter 4. However, if you choose to use any direct quotes from the chapter, or any other outside sources, then please remember to properly cite that material using MLA format. The use of any outside material without citation will be considered plagiarism and will result in a 0 for the assignment. ________________________________________ Prompt: Explain the problem of evil. How do philosophers like David Hume understand the problem of evil and the challenges that it poses to a theistic worldview? How do philosophers interested in defending theism and the existence of a higher power respond? Which view, if either, do you find more compelling? PreviousNext

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The problem of evil is the idea that humans and other living things continue to deal with all sorts of evil. Pain, sickness, suffering, and death are all forms of evil that living beings endure. The challenge of evil can also be seen through opinions on if a God exists. Some believe God would not allow evil to exist in a perfect world. David Hume argued, “against the existence that there is an all-good, all- powerful being” (Velasquez 276). To Hume, the idea that the Creator of the universe is a perfect, wise, and powerful being was not something he could get around. He did not believe that a “benevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent God, would allow evil to be in the world” (Velasquez 277).